2009.02 - 2015.05.27
Vocal: Temari (手鞠)
(Lover Berry → るう゛ぃえ (てまり) → Ruvie (手鞠) → amber gris)
Guitar: kaname
(dystopia → gossip → MY BactEriA Heat iSland (Support) → amber gris)
Guitar: wayne
(Du:kaLuma → SULFURIC ACID → 東京ミカエル。(Support/Koji) → amber gris (wayne))
Bass: Koto (殊)
(ダビデシトアイル → GARNET → デュアルベリー → Sugar → L'eprica (Support), (キテる!BAND) → amber gris)
Drums: Yuuma (ラミ)
(Lilith (らみ) → Uma (raminosuke) → beaU (Support/ラミ) → gechena (ラミ) → シンディケイト (Support) → えんそく (Support) → amber gris (悠真→ラミ))
2009.10.17 - Joukou 8000ft -Shounen wa Tengoku e Todoku no Ka-
[上空8000ft -少年は天国へ届くのか-]
1st press
01. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
02. Sinker.
03. Lizard skin.
2010.03.24 - Shoujo no Cure
01. Ibara no Hana wa Tsumi ni saku (茨の花は罪に咲く)
02. Love in the first.
03. Sunny day's seeker
2010.09.15 - Joukou 8000ft -Shounen wa Tengoku e Todoku no Ka-
[上空8000ft -少年は天国へ届くのか-]
2nd press

01. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
02. Sinker.
03. Lizard skin.
2010.09.15 - Child Forest
[チャイルド フォレスト]
01. Kanashimi Kureru Kogane Kyuuryou (悲しみ暮れる黄金丘陵)
- 02. over flow girl's sick03. Amazing world04. Kaifuu to Ame to Saigo no Tegami (海風と雨と最後の手紙)05. snoozy and roll06. Fukamidori no Lorelei (深緑のローレライ)
Bonus mail order

2011.07.20 - pomander
Type A
01. Awake or asleep
02. element of soul
03. feel me
04. hazy moon luvgaze.
05. H u m m i n g b a r d ' s
06. in sickness and in health...
07. MillionDead Baby Songs
08. Room No.13
09. wishstar and sunlight and darkness.
10. Faraway, Faraway. (ファラウェイ、ファラウェイ。)
11. Yokushitsu no Ningyo (浴室の人魚)
01. feel me (PV)
Type B
01. Awake or asleep
02. element of soul
03. feel me
04. hazy moon luvgaze.
05. H u m m i n g b a r d ' s
06. in sickness and in health...
07. MillionDead Baby Songs
08. Room No.13
09. wishstar and sunlight and darkness.
10. Faraway, Faraway. (ファラウェイ、ファラウェイ。)
11. Yokushitsu no Ningyo (浴室の人魚)
Bonus mail order

2011.12.25 - Franny wa Gokigennaname / an Fade
[フラニーはご機嫌斜め/an Fade]
01. Frannie wa Gokigen Naname (フラニーはご機嫌斜め)
02. an Fade
2012.01.14 - night walking toy soldiers
2011.09.30 Shibuya O-West
01. element of soul
02. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
03. Million dead baby songs
04. sinker.
05. sunny day's seeker
06. Kaifuu to Ame to Saigo no Tegami (海風と雨と最後の手紙)
07. Room No.13
08. Yokushitsu no Ningyo (浴室の人魚)
09. Kanashimi Kureru Kogane Kyuuryou (悲しみ暮れる黄金丘陵)
10. Amazing world
11. Hazy moon luv gaze
12. Awake or asleep
13. H u m m i n g b a r d ' s
14. snoozy and roll
15. Faraway, Faraway. (ファラウェイ、ファラウェイ。)
16. over flow girl's sick
17. Love in the first
18. feel me
19. wishstar and sunlight and darkness.
20. lizard skin.
21. in sickness and in health...
2012.02.29 - decadence
01. Ugly crawler
02. Bishuu (美醜)
2012.04.25 - tsuyu no LOTUS
01. Rosy (ロジィ)
02. Rakuen (楽園)
2012.06.27 - The collapsing garden. -Tenmatsu Niwa Saijou no Hana wo-
[The collapsing garden. -顛末には最上の花を-]
01. Fujou no ki no shita de -Under an impure tree- (不浄の樹の下で-Under an impure tree-)
02. A merchant and a red flower
2012.12.05 - bright or blind
01. bright or blind
02. Greenwich no Hari no Ue de (グリニッジの針の上で)
2013.02.27 - AROUND CHILDREN
01. Fragile
02. MARCH in the SNOW
03. bright or blind
04. - sequel-
05. Soko ni Aru Mono (そこにあるもの)
06. Sweet blood pool
07. hermit.
08. Grand Guignol (グランギニョル)
09. amaryllis
10. for crying out loud
01. Fragile
02. MARCH in the SNOW
03. bright or blind
04. - sequel-
05. Soko ni Aru Mono (そこにあるもの)
06. Sweet blood pool
07. hermit.
08. Grand Guignol (グランギニョル)
09. amaryllis
10. for crying out loud
01. bright or blind (PV)
element of ARIA

Bonus for 2nd CD purchase, live venue or mail order
2013.02.27 - CHILDREN+
01. (摂理と贄)
02. understanding myself.
2013.03.27 - TREASON - The cutting edge of Rock press
13. for crying out loud. -another crying mix-
2013.08.14 - this cloudy
01. This Cloudy
02. Looking all the Pain
2013.08.16 - creative believer

2013.04.29 at LIQUIDROOM ebisu
01. fragile
02. Bright or blind
03. amazing world
04. 摂理と贄
05. Sweet blood pool
06. Rosy (ロジィ)
07. MARCH in the SNOW
08. Greenwich no Hari no Ue de (グリニッジの針の上で)
09. -sequel-
10. hermit.
11. Kaifuu to Ame to Saigo no Tegami (海風と雨と最後の手紙)
12. feel me
13. Fujou no ki no shita de -Under an impure tree- (不浄の樹の下で-Under an impure tree-)
14. a marchant a red flower
15. over flow girl's sick
16. hazy moon luv gaze
17. Bishuu (美醜)
18. H u m m i n g b a r d' s
19. Grand Guignol (グランギニョル)
20. awake or asleep
21. amaryllis
22. Soko ni Aru Mono (そこにあるもの)
23. for crying out loud
24. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
25. Love in the first
26. understanding myself
27. wishstar and sunlight and darkness
2014.05.08 - in the Cell
Type A
01. The Oath
02. Me
03. Tiny Spider
Type B
01. The Oath
02. Tiny Spider
03. Snowman wa Kaeranai (スノーマンは帰らない)
2014.10.17 - Kashikoki gusha no Tenmatsu
Limited Fan Club
01. Kashikoki gusha no Tenmatsu (賢き愚者の顛末)
2014.12.17 - Across the blow
01. different of stain
02. Circus ga Tsureteyuku (サーカスが連れてゆく)
03. Fuzoroi no Cutlery (不揃いのカトラリー)
04. from mouth
05. The sad things
06. alone≠
2015.04.15 - Chiisana Ginka wo Hidarite ni
01. arch.
02. Ryuuseigun no Yoru ni
03. Absolute being
2015.04.15 - THE BEST -I'll be right here-
Disc 1
01. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
02. sinker.
03. Ibara no Hana wa Tsumi ni saku (茨の花は罪に咲く)
04. Love in the first.
05. over flow girl’s sick
06. snoozy and roll
07. wishstar and sunlight and darkness.
08. feel me
09. hazy moon luv gaze.
10. Frannie wa Gokigen Naname (フラニーはご機嫌斜め)
Disc 2
01. Bishuu (美醜)
02. Rosy (ロジィ)
03. Fujou no ki no shita de -Under an impure tree- (不浄の樹の下で-Under an impure tree-)
04. bright or blind
05. Fragile
06. hermit.
07. Soko ni Aru Mono (そこにあるもの)
08. this cloudy
09. the Oath
10. Me
11. from mouth
2015.08.09 - Hakoniwa no Ue de -pray before the down-
[箱庭の上で-pray before the down-]

Last live DVD
01. Absolute being
02. Fragile
03. snoozy and roll
04. the Oath
05. Amazing world
~wayne 朗読~
06. feel me
07. Fujou no ki no shita de -Under an impure tree- (不浄の樹の下で-Under an impure tree-)
08. Kaifuu to Ame to Saigo no Tegami (海風と雨と最後の手紙)
09. Faraway, faraway. (ァラフウェイ、ファラウェイ。)
~kaname 朗読~
10. Snowman wa Kaeranai (スノーマンは帰らない)
11. over flow girl's sick
12. bright or blind
13. Fuzoroi no Cutlery (不揃いのカトラリー)
14. Grand Guignol (グランギニョル)
15. Looking all the pain
16. arch.
17. Rosy (ロジィ)
~ラミ(rami) 朗読~
18. The sad things
~殊(koto) 朗読~
19. Ryuuseigun no Yoru ni (流星群の夜に)
20. this cloudy
21. Love in the first.
22. for crying out loud
23. Giniro no Coffin (銀色のコフィン)
01. Awake or asleep
02. H u m m i n g b a r d 's
01. from mouth
02. wishstar and sunlight and darkness.
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